Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Alamaailman Vasarat

The Finnish group Alamaailman Vasarat is hard to categorize, though on their website, they categorize themselves (jokingly) as Kosher Kebab Jazz. They use a wide variety of instruments, ranging from the cello, pump organ and tuba to saxophones, trombones and clarinets. The percussion is also of note, using things such as door slams and breaking glass. These guys provide an entertaining form of instrumental music. For their third album, Allamailman Vasarat teamed up with famous Finnish rock singer Toumari Nurmio.

Vasaraasia - (2000)
Käärmelautakunta - (2004)
Kinaporin Kalifaatti with Toumaru Nurmio - (2005)
Maahan - (2007)

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